
Google Related: The Competition Now Has A Listing On Your Firm’s Website

Google recently announced the launch of Google Related.

Now with Google Related, a new Chrome Extension and Google Toolbar feature, you’ll automatically see interesting content relevant to what’s on the page you’re viewing, right where you’re viewing it.

Here is a video that describes the new tool in more detail:



The Competition Is No Longer Just A Click Away…..

Now they are a scroll over, from a visitor’s mouse, on your own website. As you can see from the screenshot below, the visitor can simply mouse over the “Related Places” and see links to your competition:

Over at the Marketing Pilgrim they discuss some interesting ramifications:

While the additional information is striking for the end user it can be a web site owner’s worst nightmare. Why? Well, Google’s Related Places from their Place Page data is put front and center for your visitor to see. Now we are seeing what Google had planned for some of the information they recently stripped from their place pages.

Now, more than ever a businesses website better keep a visitor’s attention. Right now, not all sites are seeing the extension pop up but in the local space it looks like it is the vast majority of sites are seeing the bar with this additional information.

Now the competition isn’t just in the SERP’s but it can come up on you’re your own website! I liken it to being in a store that is running ads for their competitors on big screens while you try to shop at the store. Not ideal for a businesses in most cases.

Google Related Is Not Everywhere

One thing to keep in mind is that Google Related needs to be installed as an extension with Chrome or an Internet Explorer user needs to have a Google Toolbar in order to use it. This means that only a small percentage of the total searches performed will have an end user with access to Google Related at this time.

What This Means To You

This means that you should be paying attention to the type of content and engagement you are offering on your website. It’s no longer as simple as generating a high ranking and getting a click. You have to pay closer attention to what you are offering once a visitor arrives on the site. If you have thin content, a suspect design, poor architecture, etc. than it’s getting even easier for a potential client to find someone else who is able to offer the visitor what they are looking for.

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